
Day Sixteen - Journaling

Out of my head and onto the paper. (It has to be paper.  A digital note seems to just shelf a thought.) Something happens where I start to digest and process instead of an endless merry-go-round in my head. The thought jumps out of the skating rink and onto the paper and it is smaller and more manageable and I can see where it Tetris-es with everything else.  Or maybe I hold it and see if it brings me joy and whether to keep it or throw it out hopefully for good thanking it for the knowledge it brought.

This entry from my “journal” seems to reflect things I have noticed since detoxing my life and embracing minimalism, essentialism, whateverism...
Learn to say no - very hard and need to begin immediately
24 hours for a decision - the impulse “yes” is unnecessary
One in one out - know what I have, operate from a space of clarity
A million tasks - my tendency
Bookmarks - basically same as above
Articles - see above
Books - see above
Lists - see above. Why this pattern? Maybe I’m looking for something?
Picking at skin, hair - truth
Overeating - starting to notice
Picking up phone - uh huh
Adding activities - see “lists” above.
Food diary - helpful
Budget app - helpful
Screen time - helpful
Adding activities without finishing current projects - see “lists”
One thing you do - see “lists”
Subtracting creates and expands white space which elevates everything that remains

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